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3 Seasons

What is a 'creative'? Someone with a desire to create. Wether you are a paid creative, just starting to get your toes wet, or simply have an amazing idea you’re dying to bring to life- this section is your sanctuary. Open your mind, break through barriers and refuel your creative juices with workshops and

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  • Reyanne Mustafa: Art Activism, Lifelong Sustainability, and Closing Chapters

    Episode 1

    Dive into the world of art activism and sustainability with the remarkable @reyannemustafa in our latest podcast episode with your host @caitlincreeper. Join us as we explore her journey from TEDx stages to collecting cigarette butts in her bedroom for art pieces, and her unique approach to envir...

  • Crystal Sound Experience w/ Kassia Meador

    Episode 2

    Sound ripples in your bones, your heart, your spirit. Let yourself be carried by California born and bred, Kassia, who was crowned the "queen of nose-riding" by the New York Times and in 2011 ranked 2nd on the WSL women's longboard tour.

    For her interview on the Energetics of Transformation : h...

  • Interview: Balancing Creativity, Career and Motherhood with Samantha Hunt

    Episode 3

    Meet Samantha Hunt. Samantha was born in Zambia and traveled the world with her family from an early age. To date she has lived in fourteen different countries, so when people ask where she calls home, she is not sure how to answer this question. She guesses she is a Cali girl at heart and dreams...