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3 Seasons

When we travel, we lose ourselves to find ourselves. We get lost in different corners of the planet, then find ourselves through experiencing different cultures, lifestyles, people and perspectives. Here we share inspiration and stories from around the world.

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  • Coffee with Cait: How I Built a Career Overseas

    Episode 1

    Caitlin Creeper moved to El Salvador from Australia when she was 22 years old with an almost-finished university degree and $800 AUD in her bank account.

    Five years on, she's had a bunch of freelance projects, a million trials and errors, has quit jobs and been made redundant from others (hello,...

  • Interview: Balancing Creativity, Career and Motherhood with Samantha Hunt

    Episode 2

    Meet Samantha Hunt. Samantha was born in Zambia and traveled the world with her family from an early age. To date she has lived in fourteen different countries, so when people ask where she calls home, she is not sure how to answer this question. She guesses she is a Cali girl at heart and dreams...