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Get Started - Surf Training

Get Started - Surf Training

6 Seasons

You're new at working out and don't know where to start? This 3-week bodyweight program combines functional and core exercises that will enhance your mobility, strength and endurance. There's 3 workouts per week: a full body workout, an upper body workout and a lower body workout. For each one, we always suggest a number of rounds to complete, but you can decide to do one less round or one more, depending on what your body needs. If you want to push it a notch, you can add one of our 'Finishers' to your workout: we promise a real good sweat :P Before each training session, we suggest to follow one of the warm-up sequence, or, if you're short on time, you can simply do 2 to 3 min of skipping rope. After your workout, taking some time to stretch is highly recommended in order to reduce soreness and prevent injuries.

Get Started - Surf Training
  • ABS EXPRESS | 7min

    Episode 1

    Do as many rounds as possible of the circuit listed in 7 min. To complete 1 round, you must execute all 4 exercises and their proper number of reps. *Keep track of the number of rounds you did so you can try to beat it the second time you do that workout.

    List of exercises:
    - 10 X High to low p...

  • HIIT | 8min Express Full body

    Episode 2

    Do as many rounds as possible of the circuit listed in 8 min. To complete 1 round, you must execute all 4 exercises and their proper number of reps. *Keep track of the number of rounds you did so you can try to beat it the second time you do that workout.

    List of exercises:
    - 10 X squat toe touc...

  • HIIT | ABS Express 01

    Episode 3

    HIIT [ 25 sec ON / 10 sec OFF ] Switch exercise at each interval. Repeat the circuit 3 times without rest between each circuit. Finish with a 1 min forearm single-arm plank hold.

    List of exercises:
    - Opposite ankle tap
    - Roll back crunches
    - Russian twist
    - Flutter kicks
    - 1 min single-arm plank...

  • HIIT | ABS Express 02

    Episode 4

    HIIT [ 25 sec ON / 10 sec OFF ] Switch exercise at each interval. Repeat the circuit 3 times without rest between each circuit. Finish with a 1 min single-leg forearm plank hold.

    List of exercises:
    - High to low plank
    - Superman 'Y' crunches
    - Side plank twist (on right side)
    - Side plank twist ...