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HIIT | All about balance

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  • ABS EXPRESS | 7min

    Do as many rounds as possible of the circuit listed in 7 min. To complete 1 round, you must execute all 4 exercises and their proper number of reps. *Keep track of the number of rounds you did so you can try to beat it the second time you do that workout.

    List of exercises:
    - 10 X High to low p...

  • HIIT | 8min Express Full body

    Do as many rounds as possible of the circuit listed in 8 min. To complete 1 round, you must execute all 4 exercises and their proper number of reps. *Keep track of the number of rounds you did so you can try to beat it the second time you do that workout.

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  • HIIT | Catch me if you can

    Pyramid HIIT [ 60-50-40-30-20-10 sec ON / 10 sec OFF ] Switch exercise at each interval and execute the serie of exercises the other way around. You'll repeat the whole circuit (both ways) 2 times. Take 1 min rest between each circuit.

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    - 60 sec: jumping jacks
    - 50 sec: squat t...