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Thursday - Training Part 2

8-Week Surf + Yoga Program • 8m 26s

Up Next in 8-Week Surf + Yoga Program

  • Morning Breath Routine (2/3)

    3 exercises, 5 minutes. Should be doable daily? Once you know the drill, you can skip directly to timecode 5:10 to get started!

    How can we increase our breath control + lung capacity to become more confident in the water, and enhance our performance in any given sport?

    Follow the lead of Augus...

  • Thursday - Training Part 1

    HIIT [ 35 sec ON / 10 sec OFF ] You'll repeat the circuit 3 times (or more if you're looking for an extra burn :P), taking 1 min rest between each circuit.

    List of exercises:
    - Half burpees
    - Shoulder taps
    - Crossed-leg squats
    - Side-to-side surfer squat jumps
    - Push-up to jack
    - Diving movemen...

  • Monday - Ginastica Natural

    Ginastica Natural is a full bodyweight training method that combines ground work from jiu-jitsu, movement and breath from yoga, and animal-like motion.
    Improve your coordination, mobility, fluidity, strength, and release your inner monkey :D