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Abs on Fire

Abs on Fire

Having a strong core is way more than being able to show off your 6-pack; it's essential for a well-rounded lifestyle. It improves your posture, prevents back pain and helps you perform better in your favorite activities. Get your abs firing with these under-10-min circuits targeting the core muscles.

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Abs on Fire
  • Strength | Fun-ctional Body Blaster

    Equipment: 1 weight: a backpack with books inside works perfectly ;)


    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge:

  • Strength | Time under pressure

    Live Replay ~ Liberating, energizing and empowering! This class will help you increase self awareness and create that connection between the body and the mind. A multi-dimensional approach which involves:
    - working functionality to get through everyday life
    - mind training
    - building strength and...

  • Strength | Isometric Weight Warrior

    Live Replay ~ Liberating, energizing and empowering! This class will help you increase self awareness and create that connection between the body and the mind.

    Equipment: a wall + 2 light weights (optional)

  • Strength | Moving out of comfort zone

    Liberating, energizing and empowering! This class will help you increase self awareness and create that connection between the body and the mind. A multi-dimensional approach which involves:

    Equipment:1 miniband + 1 bench or chair + 1 light weight


  • HIIT | Full Body Progressive

    Follow along series. From the warm up - to finisher; We've got you!
    This is a 3-round full-body progressive workout, meaning that at every round, we spice up each movement :P
    You can choose the variation that suits you best and enjoy it! We'll finish with a core series to fire up the abs... Let'...

  • HIIT | Abs and More!

    Follow along series. From the warm up - to finisher; We've got you! We'll execute 4 rounds of exercices that will tone your muscles -mostly the abs- while challenging the cardiovascular system... What else can you ask for!? :P We hope you enjoy it :)

  • HIIT | Core Burner

    Follow-along series. From the warm up to the finisher; we've got you! You don't need anything for this core burner workout, besides the willpower to stick with it until the end... And if you don't, see it as a challenge for next time and be proud of yourself for showing up. In any case, it will g...

  • HIIT | ABS Express 01

    HIIT [ 25 sec ON / 10 sec OFF ] Switch exercise at each interval. Repeat the circuit 3 times without rest between each circuit. Finish with a 1 min forearm single-arm plank hold.

    List of exercises:
    - Opposite ankle tap
    - Roll back crunches
    - Russian twist
    - Flutter kicks
    - 1 min single-arm plank...

  • HIIT | ABS Express 02

    HIIT [ 25 sec ON / 10 sec OFF ] Switch exercise at each interval. Repeat the circuit 3 times without rest between each circuit. Finish with a 1 min single-leg forearm plank hold.

    List of exercises:
    - High to low plank
    - Superman 'Y' crunches
    - Side plank twist (on right side)
    - Side plank twist ...

  • HIIT | Abs Express 03

    HIIT [ 25 sec ON / 15 sec OFF ] Switch exercise at each interval. Repeat the circuit 2 times without rest between each circuit. *During the 15 sec rest, you can either rest or, if you want to increase the intensity of this workout, you can hold some exercises (as shown in the video).

    List of exe...

  • Partner Workout 01

    Complete the proper number of reps of each exercise consecutively. Repeat the circuit 3 to 4 times. Take 1 min rest between each circuit.
    Much laughter guaranteed 😂

    List of exercises:
    - 20 X squats floor touch
    - 10 X push-up clap
    - 20 X plank jump over (10 jumps each)
    - 10 X sit-ups / squat hol...

  • Partner Workout 02

    Complete the proper number of reps of each exercise consecutively. Repeat the circuit 3 times. Take 1 to 2 min rest between each circuit.
    Much laughter guaranteed 😂

    List of exercises:
    - 10 X sumo squats / side plank (right side)
    - 10 X sumo squats / side plank (left side)
    - 10 X burpee jump ove...