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Watch this video and more on The Salty Club

5- Pincha Mayurasana Breakdown

JOURNEY TO INVERSIONS: a Series of 9 Classes • 22m

Up Next in JOURNEY TO INVERSIONS: a Series of 9 Classes

  • 6- Transition Yoga Flow

    Inversions can also be transitions. Let’s put them to work in this fun flow, where we will move in a juicy practice and apply the inversions we have learned so far.

  • 7- Handstand Workshop

    We are not used to standing on our hands, duh! So this workshop is meant to flip us over and change our perception of the world by introducing us to handstands and the proper alignment for them. We will also look through the different ways to enter a handstand.

  • 8- Handstand Preparation Drills

    Let’s break a sweat and get our bodies in shape for our handstand practice. In this video we will use a wall. Be ready to have your core and upper body burning!