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HIIT Full body | express

Luna • 13m

Up Next in Luna

  • HIIT Upper body | express

    Let's get your abs, arms and shoulders fired up! 45 seconds ON /10 seconds OFF

  • HIIT | Full Body Progressive

    Follow along series. From the warm up - to finisher; We've got you!
    This is a 3-round full-body progressive workout, meaning that at every round, we spice up each movement :P
    You can choose the variation that suits you best and enjoy it! We'll finish with a core series to fire up the abs... Let'...

  • Follow-along w: Luna ~ Upper body Toning

    Equipment: You will need a chair and 2 light weights (~ 2 to 5 lbs)

    Follow-along series. From warm up - to finisher; we've got you! These exercises target mostly the upper part of your body. Get ready to feel your arms and shoulders burning... You might have a hard time to even lift your arms up...