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ANIMAL FLOW | Energetic (2/2)

Primal Movement • 45m

Up Next in Primal Movement

  • ANIMAL FLOW | Open

    This flow has a lot of crab movements and is designed to open up the shoulders and chest. The tap portion is designed to train ourselves to engage our core in our movements. This flow is also part one of a longer sequence. It can be practiced on its own, alternating sides, or combined with “ANIMA...

  • ANIMAL FLOW | Grounded

    This flow features a lot of ape movements, designed to enhance ankle mobility and contraction. To perform this flow effectively, you’ll need to keep your center of gravity close to the ground. With transitions from ape to scorpion sweep to crocodile roll, this flow is juicy and dynamic. It’s part...

  • Ginastica Natural 01

    Ginastica Natural is a full bodyweight training method that combines ground work from jiu-jitsu, movement and breath from yoga, and animal-like motion.
    Improve your coordination, mobility, fluidity, strength, and release your inner monkey :D