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YOGA | Pre-Surf Morning Flow

Try This Week ⭐ • 37m

Up Next in Try This Week ⭐

  • Breathwork | for Anxiety Relief

    Live Replay ~ Gabby will guide you through simple but powerful breathing techniques to release tension, ground your energy, and quiet your mind.

    What to expect:
    - Understand how anxiety affects your body and mind
    - Learn diaphragmatic breathing to soothe your nervous system
    - Experience a 20-mi...

  • Slow Flow for Freedom

    "Yoga isn't about thightning your ass, it's about getting your head out of it." Gentle flow that promises great release. We don't always have to go hard, hard. We can be malleable like water, and find our way to freedom too.

  • HIIT | Paddle Paddle

    HIIT [ 35 sec ON / 10 sec OFF ] You'll repeat the circuit 4 times, taking 1 min of rest (or more if needed) between each circuit.

    List of exercises:
    - Half burpees
    - Commando bear to plank
    - Inchworm push-ups
    - Dolphin elevator
    - Reverse table toe taps
    - Waving plank

    Workout playlists: https://...