Coffee with Cait; Big Dumb Complicated Pinterest Craft Projects
Self Development
In this episode of coffee with Cait, Cait is reflecting on the delusion of eternal happiness while trying to put together a dumb complicated craft project she saw on Pinterest.
Up Next in Self Development
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“If I could go back and tell myself “if it doesn’t feel right, speak up.” But it’s really hard to speak up when you’re under the influence of some authority. I learned a lot from getting duped, being aware of it, and then learning to say: ‘I’m going to think about asking myself before I immediate...
Interview: What We Can Do About Ocean...
Did you know that most of us ingest the equivalent of a credit cards worth of plastic each week? This affects our hormones, our health and even our future children. Plastics have even been found in human placentas. If you’re a surfer, a traveler, or really, just a citizen of the planet, you’ve li...
Coffee with Cait; When you're Feeling...
"I think of all the women
I longed to become
Yet when I did, I never fully let myself be there, before I turned my focus on the next thing.
All I was yet to do
All I was yet to become.
And I think maybe, just maybe, I need to stand here right now, turn around, and see the woman I have built ...