Coffee with Cait; Getting Better at Getting Happier
Self Development
In this solocast Cait talks about why she took a 2 month of break off her solocasts and how she's been working at getting better at getting happier.
Up Next in Self Development
Interview: Harness Your Menstrual Cyc...
Georgia Goodhew is a Menstrual Mindset Coach and founder of Going Menstrual (@goingmenstrual). She helps women create success by connecting with and harnessing the innate power of their cycles.
In this interview Georgia and Caitlin Discuss:
How is our cycle affected by the pill? (The answer wil...
Coffee with Cait; When It's Time For ...
Caitlin is back with another solo episode of Coffee with Cait. A few months ago she recorded a podcast about how we can introduce microshifts in our day if we're feeling stuck or stagnant. Here, she changes gear and speaks about a recent big change she decided to make, and what to do when big shi...
Interview: Balancing Creativity, Care...
Meet Samantha Hunt. Samantha was born in Zambia and traveled the world with her family from an early age. To date she has lived in fourteen different countries, so when people ask where she calls home, she is not sure how to answer this question. She guesses she is a Cali girl at heart and dreams...