Coffee with Cait: The Joy of Missing The Boat
Self Development
Up Next in Self Development
Coffee with Cait; “Happier, healthier...
In this episode of coffee with Cait, Caitlin Creeper explores this quote from Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff
You will be happier, healthier and more likely to succeed in pursuing your own goals if you; take a generous view of others and look for nuance, rather than assuming the worst about p...
Coffee with Cait; Big Dumb Complicate...
In this episode of coffee with Cait, Cait is reflecting on the delusion of eternal happiness while trying to put together a dumb complicated craft project she saw on Pinterest.
Interview: Integrity and Sovereignty ...
“If I could go back and tell myself “if it doesn’t feel right, speak up.” But it’s really hard to speak up when you’re under the influence of some authority. I learned a lot from getting duped, being aware of it, and then learning to say: ‘I’m going to think about asking myself before I immediate...