YOGA | Chest and Upper Body Mobility
Stretching & Mobility
Mobility in our upper body can be restricted by bad posture, stress and even sleeping in an awkward position! In this flow we will wave our spine like serpents with the intention of creating that upper body mobility that will help us to access other movement practices with more flow.
Remember that if your spine is mobile, your chest will open deeper and your heart with be happier.
Up Next in Stretching & Mobility
RECOVERY | Upper Body Decompression
Get cozy and enjoy a passive and nurturing practice where we will keep most poses at mat level with a focus on relaxing the upper body. Gentle chest openers, and subtle stretches to enhance that chest and upper back relief. Great practice for after a long day of work, intense movement or just to ...
Yoga for Surfers | Release tension
In this class, we'll flow through some mellow movement and gentle mobility work to free up any sticky spots, unravel any unnecessary tension, and encourage a sense of suppleness and fluidity in both the body and the mind. Think of this as preparation for your next training session!
Props (optio...
Mobility & Breath | Assertiveness + P...
The only thing that matters in life is the opinion you hold about yourself. My vision of freedom is to be myself.
Be realistic and plan for a miracle. This can only be achieved when you move out of your mind and open your heart.
Beauty begins when you strop trying to becoming and just be. Be you...