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Strength | Fierce Fest

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Form | Soul Sweat

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  • Strength | Fierce Fest

    Time under tension. Strength focusing on eccentric movements. Creating skill practice. Training the mind is a skill which requires practice. Train your mind to see good in every situation. Happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

    Equipment: Bag filled with books + chair....

  • Partner Workout 01

    Complete the proper number of reps of each exercise consecutively. Repeat the circuit 3 to 4 times. Take 1 min rest between each circuit.
    Much laughter guaranteed 😂

    List of exercises:
    - 20 X squats floor touch
    - 10 X push-up clap
    - 20 X plank jump over (10 jumps each)
    - 10 X sit-ups / squat hol...

  • Ginastica Natural | Spider-woman

    Letting the animal in you come out. Moving on all plans of motion -- we are 4 dimensional beings.

    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge:

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