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Restorative Yoga | Sweet n' Smooth

Erika • 32m

Up Next in Erika

  • Ginastica Natural 01

    Ginastica Natural is a full bodyweight training method that combines ground work from jiu-jitsu, movement and breath from yoga, and animal-like motion.
    Improve your coordination, mobility, fluidity, strength, and release your inner monkey :D

  • Ginastica Natural 02

    Loved the Ginastica 01, and got familiar with the moves already? Good. Let's step it up a bit!

  • Ginastica Natural | Functional Flow

    Let's go back to a primal way of moving. Ginastica is the meeting of animal motion, Jiu-jitsu groundwork, yoga breath, and functional training.

    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge: