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FIRE FLOW Lower body | express

Legs & Booty • 13m

Up Next in Legs & Booty

  • Strength with Weights 05 | Lower Body

    I am free to play free to love, laugh and experiment.
    Working out because we love our bodies
    Laugh, have fun!
    I am free to create
    I am free to be myself
    I allow my creative potential to flow through me!

  • Strength with Weights 03 | Lower Body

    Self worth
    I am worthy
    I listen to my needs and desires and honour myself
    I give myself the time, space and loving kindness that I need
    I discover my true self by going inwards
    Becoming my own best friend
    I nurture

  • Strength with Weights 02 | Lower Body

    I celebrate my physical body and recognize it as a wondrous vessel through which I see, feel, hear, touch, smell and taste. 
I connect fully with my physical existence
    I breathe life force into my body, nourish it
    I love and accept my body.
    I am magnificent