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Legs & Booty

Legs & Booty

The largest muscles of your body are found in the butt and legs. Strengthening your lower body will allow you to improve your agility and balance as well as your overall performance in sports and daily functional activities. Enjoy the burn :P !

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Legs & Booty
  • CARDIO | Keep on Paddling

    This workout focuses on building cardio and endurance, helping you stay strong and last longer during your surf sessions.


  • HIIT | Strength Building

    This High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is designed to help you build strength. We will show you different variations so you can adapt depending on your level, but try to push your limits so you can leave feeling stronger, energized, and ready for more!

    Playlist :

  • HIIT | Frontside attack

    This High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is designed to help you build strength. We will show you different variations so you can adapt depending on your level, but try to push your limits so you can leave feeling stronger, energized, and ready for more!

    Playlist :

  • FIRE FLOW Lower body | express

    Spicy flow! We build together a dynamic sequence that we repeat a few times. This one focusses on legs, core and booty.

  • Strength with Weights 05 | Lower Body

    I am free to play free to love, laugh and experiment.
    Working out because we love our bodies
    Laugh, have fun!
    I am free to create
    I am free to be myself
    I allow my creative potential to flow through me!

  • Strength with Weights 03 | Lower Body

    Self worth
    I am worthy
    I listen to my needs and desires and honour myself
    I give myself the time, space and loving kindness that I need
    I discover my true self by going inwards
    Becoming my own best friend
    I nurture

  • Strength with Weights 02 | Lower Body

    I celebrate my physical body and recognize it as a wondrous vessel through which I see, feel, hear, touch, smell and taste. 
I connect fully with my physical existence
    I breathe life force into my body, nourish it
    I love and accept my body.
    I am magnificent

  • Strength with Weights 07 | Lower Body

    I surrender the struggle of my conditioning
    And allow guidance to guide me
    Knowing that I am enough I allow the unfolding of my inner
    Magnificent and beauty 
I practice stillness and emptiness,
    Surrendering to higher consciousness
    I am aware.

  • Form | Soul Sweat

    We will focus on core strengthening and muscle activation through a series of low impact, high intensity moves. Perfect for all bodies and extra good for bodies after babies :)

    Equipment (optional): Light weights (under 1.5kg) or canned food, water bottles, etc., Resistance band.

    Playlist: htt...

  • Form | Fine Toning

    We will focus on core strengthening and muscle activation through a series of low impact, high intensity moves. Perfect for all bodies and extra good for bodies after babies :)

    Equipment (optional): Light weights (under 1.5kg) or canned food, water bottles, etc., Resistance band.

    Playlist: htt...

  • Form | Changing Shape

    We will challenge the body to hold form and create deep core awareness through new shapes.

    Equipment (optional): Light weights (under 1.5kg) or canned food, water bottles, you name it, can also be used.

    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge: https://watch.thesalty...

  • Form | Move in Alignment

    Our focus is maintaining consciousness of what muscles are meant to be activated and allowing those not involved to be at rest. This concentration on the details of the body's flow allows us to prevent injury and build strength and confidence in whatever motion we choose!

    Equipment (optional): ...

  • Strength | Ex-Press!

    Aim for consistency! The accumulated, small but consistent actions lead to results. It
    transforms average into excellence.

    ~ This class is part of the 6 Weeks of Self-Mastery Program: ~


  • Strength | Time under Tension 2.0

    1 Full minute of time under tension for each movement. We added 20 sec from the previous "Time under Tension" workout.

    Equipment: chair + a stick or towel

    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge:

  • Strength Benchmark

    Energizing and empowering 30 minute working strength of the body and the mind!

    Equipment: A box or couch/ chair

    ~ This class is part of the 6-week self mastery program : ~


  • Strength | Benchmark 2.0

    Equipment: box or chair

    ~ This class is part of the 6 Weeks of Self-Mastery Program: ~


  • Strength | Fit & Fun

    Equipment: a bag filled with light weights (books, cans...)

    ~ This class is part of the 6 Weeks of Self-Mastery Program : ~


  • Strength | Power Glower

    Focus on mastering your own body weight and aim for control. Find a progression that allows
    you go through a full range of motion which results in better muscle balance and overall quality
    of movement.

    Equipment -optional-: Added weights in hands (dumbbells, books, cans, water bottles)

    ~ This c...

  • Strength | Express Power-Up

    Full Body Remix Strength & Power Intervals. Creating Clarity for commitment. Commit to a small personal goal no matter how small the task.

    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge:

    Playlist :

  • Strength | Move it! Hold it!

    Move with passion. Being intentional about your training requires a mindset shift from passive to active! Build self confidence that you can do the hard things with isometric holds.

    ~ This class is part of the 6 Weeks of Self-Mastery Program: ~...

  • Strength | Time under Tension

    Full Bodyweight Strength Time under Tension.
    40 sec of time under tension for each movement.
    10 sec hold, 10 sec slow, 10 sec hold,10 sec full range of motion.


    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body St...

  • Form | Mind & Muscle Connection

    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge:

    Let's relearn how to move the body through proper posture and alignment with conscious movements focussing on core stability.

    Equipment (optional): a Pilates ball (a pillow or rol...

  • Strength | Fierce Fest

    Time under tension. Strength focusing on eccentric movements. Creating skill practice. Training the mind is a skill which requires practice. Train your mind to see good in every situation. Happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

    Equipment: Bag filled with books + chair....

  • Strength | Fun-ctional Body Blaster

    Equipment: 1 weight: a backpack with books inside works perfectly ;)


    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge: