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HIIT | Expansion

45 min • 42m

Up Next in 45 min

  • Animal Flow | Low impact

    Tap into your primal instincts by learning how to move your body in a whole new way. Animal flow is a low impact ground based movement designed to improve mind muscle connection via strength, power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination.

    This class is part of the Primal Movement Program: https...

  • Strength | Isometric Weight Warrior

    Live Replay ~ Liberating, energizing and empowering! This class will help you increase self awareness and create that connection between the body and the mind.

    Equipment: a wall + 2 light weights (optional)

  • Vinyasa Flow | Let's bind!

    When we bind in a pose we require good joint mobility, the bind also intensifies the depth of the pose by fitting yourself into tiny spaces! A good bind can also come with a twist which gives you more detox action!