Strength & Power 7-7-7
Try This Week ⭐
The first seven reps occur in the first half of the range of motion (ROM), the next seven reps occur from the bottom part of the lift up to the middle and the last seven reps are performed at full ROM. The intention of this class is to create self-awareness: the ability to take an honest look at our life without attachment to it being right or wrong.
Equipment: Towel + a chair
Playlist :
This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge:
Up Next in Try This Week ⭐
CARDIO | Endurance Building
This workout focuses on building cardio and endurance, helping you stay strong and last longer during your surf sessions.
YOGA | Pre-Surf Morning Flow
Don’t jump in the water just yet! Get your body and soul heated and pumped up with this Pre-Surf flow designed to get you in the groove. An entire body awareness awakening through poses assured to get your joints in movement, balance and overall a nice stretch so that you enjoy your surf in a mor...
Breathwork | for Anxiety Relief
Live Replay ~ Gabby will guide you through simple but powerful breathing techniques to release tension, ground your energy, and quiet your mind.
What to expect:
- Understand how anxiety affects your body and mind
- Learn diaphragmatic breathing to soothe your nervous system
- Experience a 20-mi...