

"Regular myofascial release (MFR) has been a game-changer for my surfing, cross-training, personal yoga practice, and just how I feel on a day-to-day basis. For me the techniques have become great tools for both physical preparation and recovery, as well as powerful opportunities to deepen my connection to the innate, inner-body wisdom that we all carry within us."

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  • Feel Good Yoga | Healthy boundaries

    This class explores setting and honouring healthy boundaries as a way to cultivate sustainability both on and off the mat. Practice honesty along with tuning into and trusting your inner wisdom through this 30-minute, feel-good flow that offers a variety of options, not as a way to overwhelm you,...

  • Feel Good Yoga | Breath-Centric Reset

    Using the breath and mindful movement, we’ll tap into our innate ability to take in exactly what we need and to effortlessly let go of anything we don’t. This class builds on the honesty and trust we cultivated last week while exploring healthy boundaries and uses intervals of "work" and "rest" a...

  • Yoga for Surfers | Release tension

    In this class, we'll flow through some mellow movement and gentle mobility work to free up any sticky spots, unravel any unnecessary tension, and encourage a sense of suppleness and fluidity in both the body and the mind. Think of this as preparation for your next training session!

    Props (optio...

  • Restorative Yoga | Less is more

    Less is more. This restorative yoga practice targets the nervous system and explores poses and techniques to help you downshift into a more parasympathetic state (or our "rest and digest mode") where recovery and healing can occur. These techniques and poses are great to do post-training or at th...

  • Yin Yoga + MFR for Tissue Rejuvenation

    The harder you train, the "harder" you need to recover, so turn the dial down a notch in this class that combines the subtle + introspective practice of Yin Yoga with gentle self-massage techniques (MFR or myofascial release) to encourage healthy, hydrated, and resilient tissues.

    Props needed: 2...

  • Myofascial Release - Neck, Shoulders, Upper Back

    Myofascial release (MFR) refers to any manipulation of the soft-tissues, specifically looking at the muscles and the fascia. Allowing for great recovery, and reduction of tightness.

    You’ll need: 2 therapy or tennis balls, and a yoga block (or something similar). Towels, cushions, and/or a foam r...

  • Myofascial Release - Lower back, Hips & Quads

    In this second session, we’ll focus on releasing tension around the low back and the hips and explore how these techniques can support us in our cross-training / self-care routines. Research supports the benefits of regular MFR as a way to enhance recovery, restore tissue integrity, manage pain, ...

  • Yoga for Surfers | Flow for Coordination + Balance

    This 45-minute Yoga for Surfers practice is focused on cultivating full-body coordination and better balance through a fun & funky flow that will have you moving all around your mat. You won't need any props for the flow, but we will begin seated, so a blanket or pillow may come in handy to sit o...

  • Yoga For Surfers | Salute the Sun

    Live Replay ~ This class focuses on function over aesthetics, and will allow your mind & muscles to unwind. Blending mindful movement with intentional breath work, often incorporating self-massage and meditation. A great complement to your more intense practices like surfing or high-intensity tra...

  • Breathwork to Calm the Nerves

    Practice this soothing breathing sequence at the end of a long day, after an intense training session, or whenever you feel like you need to downshift into a slower, calmer, and more peaceful gear.

  • Yoga For Surfers | Gentle Flow & Restore

    This class focuses on function over aesthetics, and will allow your mind & muscles to unwind. Blending mindful movement with intentional breathwork, incorporating self-massage and meditation. A great complement to your more intense practices like surfing or high-intensity training.

  • Gentle Movement + Guided Relaxation

    Encourage rest and relaxation through self massage and gentle movement. This practice is nice to do at the end of a long day, as a way to encourage recovery after an intense training session or surf, or whenever you’re starting to feel burnt out or on the verge of being sick. You’ll need a yoga b...

  • Yoga For Surfers | Cross Training flow

    This class focuses on function over aesthetics, and will allow your mind & muscles to unwind. Blending mindful movement with intentional breathwork, often incorporating self-massage and meditation. A great complement to your more intense practices like surfing or high-intensity training.

  • Yoga For Surfers | Feel Good Flow

    This class focuses on function over aesthetics, and will allow your mind & muscles to unwind. Blending mindful movement with intentional breathwork, incorporating self-massage and meditation. A great complement to your more intense practices like surfing or high-intensity training.

  • Yoga For Surfers | Flow for Knee Resilience

    Inspired by the ebbs and flow of nature, this class focuses on function over aesthetics, blending mindful movement with intentional breathwork and incorporating self-massage and meditation.

  • Yoga for Surfers | Yang + Yin Flow

    Live Replay ~ Inspired by the ebbs and flow of nature, this class focuses on function over aesthetics, blending mindful movement with intentional breathwork and incorporating self-massage and meditation. A great complement to your more intense practices like surfing or high-intensity training.

  • Yoga for Surfers | Exploring + Enhancing Proprioception

    This class focuses on function over aesthetics, and will allow your mind & muscles to unwind. Blending mindful movement with intentional breathwork, incorporating self-massage and meditation. A great complement to your more intense practices like surfing or high-intensity training.

  • Soothing Breathwork to Calm the Nerves

    Practice this soothing breathing sequence at the end of a long day, after an intense training session, or whenever you feel like you need to downshift into a slower, calmer, and more peaceful gear.

  • Yoga for Surfers | Hip-Focused Flow

    Live Replay ~ Inspired by the ebbs and flow of nature, this class focuses on function over aesthetics, blending mindful movement with intentional breathwork and incorporating self-massage and meditation. A great complement to your more intense practices like surfing or high-intensity training.

  • Yoga for Surfers | Breath-centered flow

    Live Replay ~ Inspired by the ebbs and flow of nature, this class focuses on function over aesthetics, blending mindful movement with intentional breathwork and incorporating self-massage and meditation.

  • Yoga for Surfers | Shoulder mobility + stability

    Live Replay ~ Inspired by the ebbs and flow of nature, this class focuses on function over aesthetics, blending mindful movement with intentional breathwork, often incorporating self-massage and meditation into your group classes.

  • Yoga for Surfers | Grounding Flow

    Live Replay ~ Inspired by the ebbs and flow of nature, this class focuses on function over aesthetics, blending mindful movement with intentional breathwork and incorporating self-massage and meditation.

  • Feel Good Flow ~ Grounding

    Get out of your head and into your body with this 60 minute Feel Good Flow. It's a yummy blend of breath-centered movement and stillness - no goals or peak posture - just some feel good movement to nourish the soul. No props needed, but feel free to grab any props that bring you joy.

  • Energizing Breathwork

    This energizing breathwork session is a great practice to help wake up the body while cultivating a clear, calm, and focused mind. Enjoy first thing in the morning, before you train or surf, or anytime you need a little boost!