Paddle Strength

Paddle Strength

Build muscle strength and endurance in your arms, back, chest, and shoulders with these Interval Training (HIIT) workouts focusing on the upper body.
Next time you hit the water and paddle out, your arms won't feel like noodles ;)

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Paddle Strength
  • ANIMAL FLOW | Open

    This flow has a lot of crab movements and is designed to open up the shoulders and chest. The tap portion is designed to train ourselves to engage our core in our movements. This flow is also part one of a longer sequence. It can be practiced on its own, alternating sides, or combined with “ANIMA...

  • CARDIO | Keep on Paddling

    This workout focuses on building cardio and endurance, helping you stay strong and last longer during your surf sessions.

  • HIIT | Strength Building

    This High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is designed to help you build strength. We will show you different variations so you can adapt depending on your level, but try to push your limits so you can leave feeling stronger, energized, and ready for more!

  • HIIT | Frontside attack

    This High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is designed to help you build strength. We will show you different variations so you can adapt depending on your level, but try to push your limits so you can leave feeling stronger, energized, and ready for more!

  • FIRE FLOW Upper body | express

    Spicy flow! We build together a dynamic sequence that we repeat a few times. This one focusses on arms and core.

  • Follow-along w: Luna ~ Upper body Toning

    Equipment: You will need a chair and 2 light weights (~ 2 to 5 lbs)

    Follow-along series. From warm up - to finisher; we've got you! These exercises target mostly the upper part of your body. Get ready to feel your arms and shoulders burning... You might have a hard time to even lift your arms up...

  • Strength & Power 7-7-7

    The first seven reps occur in the first half of the range of motion (ROM), the next seven reps occur from the bottom part of the lift up to the middle and the last seven reps are performed at full ROM. The intention of this class is to create self-awareness: the ability to take an honest look at ...

  • Strength | Time under Tension

    Full Bodyweight Strength Time under Tension.
    40 sec of time under tension for each movement.
    10 sec hold, 10 sec slow, 10 sec hold,10 sec full range of motion.


    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body St...

  • Strength with Weights 01 | Upper Body

    I have the strength, courage & will-power
    to face my fears
, to see see my desires
    dreams and goals through to completion.
    I release the need to be anything other than
    who I am in order to succeed.
    I believe in myself
    have the courage to fail and succeed.
    I am possible

  • Strength with Weights 06 | Upper Body

I am thankful and humble as I move through life
    I receive willingly, lovingly & graciously .
    I recognize & appreciate
    The small things in life.
    The synchronicities and beauty that can be found
    In each and every moment.
    I am grateful

  • Strength with Weights 04 | Upper Body

I am wonderful & talented & know that greatness resides in me
    I harness my greatness
    And show up in the world
    I allow myself to be seen and heard.
    I cultivate my genius & observe with love &
    excitement as my greatness makes a positive difference in the world
    I am wonderful

  • Strength | Ex-Press!

    Aim for consistency! The accumulated, small but consistent actions lead to results. It
    transforms average into excellence.

    ~ This class is part of the 6 Weeks of Self-Mastery Program: ~


  • Strength with Weights 08 | Upper Body

    Going with the flow
    I release the need for protection
    As I realized I am always guided and safe
    The more I let go, the more protected I feel
    It is safe for me to choose love & possibility
    I trust in my life and the wisdom of my spirit
    All is perfect just as it is

  • HIIT | Paddle Paddle

    HIIT [ 35 sec ON / 10 sec OFF ] You'll repeat the circuit 4 times, taking 1 min of rest (or more if needed) between each circuit.

    List of exercises:
    - Half burpees
    - Commando bear to plank
    - Inchworm push-ups
    - Dolphin elevator
    - Reverse table toe taps
    - Waving plank

    Workout playlists: https://...

  • Strength | Isometric Weight Warrior

    Live Replay ~ Liberating, energizing and empowering! This class will help you increase self awareness and create that connection between the body and the mind.

    Equipment: a wall + 2 light weights (optional)

  • Ginastica Natural | Full Body Goodness

    Ginastica Natural is a full bodyweight training method from Brazil that combines ground work from jiu-jitsu, movement and breath from yoga, and animal motion from...nature! Develop your coordination, agility, mobility, fluidity, core strength, power and absolute presence, making you a more comple...

  • Animal Flow | The basics 01

    Tap into your primal instincts by learning how to move your body in a whole new way. Animal flow is a low impact ground based movement designed to improve mind muscle connection via strength, power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination.

    ~ This class is part of the 6 weeks of Self Mastery prog...

  • Animal Flow | The basics 02

    ~ This class is part of the 6-week self mastery program: ~

    Tap into your primal instincts by learning how to move your body in a whole new way. Animal flow is a low impact ground based movement designed to improve mind muscle connection via st...

  • Animal Flow 03

    Tap into your primal instincts by learning how to move your body in a whole new way. Animal flow is a low impact ground based movement designed to improve mind muscle connection via strength, power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination.

    ~ This class is part of the 6-week self mastery program:...

  • Animal Flow 04

    Tap into your primal instincts by learning how to move your body in a whole new way. Animal flow is a low impact ground based movement designed to improve mind muscle connection via strength, power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination.

    ~ This class is part of the 6 Weeks of Self-Mastery Prog...

  • Animal Flow 05

    Channel your inner animal with this low impact ground based movement designed to improve mind muscle connection via strength, power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination.

    ~ This class is part of the 6 Weeks of Self-Mastery Program : ~

  • Animal Flow 06

    Tap into your primal instincts by learning how to move your body in a whole new way. Animal flow is a low impact ground based movement designed to improve mind muscle connection via strength, power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination.

    ~ This class is part of the 6 weeks of Self Mastery prog...

  • Animal Flow | Low impact

    Tap into your primal instincts by learning how to move your body in a whole new way. Animal flow is a low impact ground based movement designed to improve mind muscle connection via strength, power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination.

    This class is part of the Primal Movement Program: https...

  • Strength | Time under Tension 2.0

    1 Full minute of time under tension for each movement. We added 20 sec from the previous "Time under Tension" workout.

    Equipment: chair + a stick or towel

    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge: