

"As a professional athlete, managing my body, my mind and my lifestyle is my profession. This way of living requires rigorous passion! But movement has also changed my life. My biggest desire is to educate, motivate and empower people to take personal responsibility for their health through movement."

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  • HIIT Full body | express

    Full body blitz! If you know coach Cath, you know that it always delivers. Good results & big release. Let's go!

  • HIIT Cardio | express

    This is your Go-To cardio session, no BS. 20 seconds ON / 20 seconds OFF.

  • Cath Medeiros: You Are Who You've Been Waiting for

    Join this conversation with your host Caitlin Creeper and Athlete, Salty Club trainer, creator of our Strength with Weights series and all-around inspirational human Catherine Medeiros.

    In this honest interview, Cath talks about:

    What she learnt during her bobsled career; specifically the Olymp...

  • Strength with Weights 01 | Upper Body

    I have the strength, courage & will-power
    to face my fears
, to see see my desires
    dreams and goals through to completion.
    I release the need to be anything other than
    who I am in order to succeed.
    I believe in myself
    have the courage to fail and succeed.
    I am possible

  • Strength with Weights 02 | Lower Body

    I celebrate my physical body and recognize it as a wondrous vessel through which I see, feel, hear, touch, smell and taste. 
I connect fully with my physical existence
    I breathe life force into my body, nourish it
    I love and accept my body.
    I am magnificent

  • Strength with Weights 03 | Lower Body

    Self worth
    I am worthy
    I listen to my needs and desires and honour myself
    I give myself the time, space and loving kindness that I need
    I discover my true self by going inwards
    Becoming my own best friend
    I nurture

  • Strength with Weights 04 | Upper Body

I am wonderful & talented & know that greatness resides in me
    I harness my greatness
    And show up in the world
    I allow myself to be seen and heard.
    I cultivate my genius & observe with love &
    excitement as my greatness makes a positive difference in the world
    I am wonderful

  • Strength with Weights 05 | Lower Body

    I am free to play free to love, laugh and experiment.
    Working out because we love our bodies
    Laugh, have fun!
    I am free to create
    I am free to be myself
    I allow my creative potential to flow through me!

  • Strength with Weights 06 | Upper Body

I am thankful and humble as I move through life
    I receive willingly, lovingly & graciously .
    I recognize & appreciate
    The small things in life.
    The synchronicities and beauty that can be found
    In each and every moment.
    I am grateful

  • Strength with Weights 07 | Lower Body

    I surrender the struggle of my conditioning
    And allow guidance to guide me
    Knowing that I am enough I allow the unfolding of my inner
    Magnificent and beauty 
I practice stillness and emptiness,
    Surrendering to higher consciousness
    I am aware.

  • Strength with Weights 08 | Upper Body

    Going with the flow
    I release the need for protection
    As I realized I am always guided and safe
    The more I let go, the more protected I feel
    It is safe for me to choose love & possibility
    I trust in my life and the wisdom of my spirit
    All is perfect just as it is

  • Strength | Fierce Fest

    Time under tension. Strength focusing on eccentric movements. Creating skill practice. Training the mind is a skill which requires practice. Train your mind to see good in every situation. Happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

    Equipment: Bag filled with books + chair....

  • Strength & Power 7-7-7

    The first seven reps occur in the first half of the range of motion (ROM), the next seven reps occur from the bottom part of the lift up to the middle and the last seven reps are performed at full ROM. The intention of this class is to create self-awareness: the ability to take an honest look at ...

  • Strength | Time under Tension 2.0

    1 Full minute of time under tension for each movement. We added 20 sec from the previous "Time under Tension" workout.

    Equipment: chair + a stick or towel

    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge:

  • HIIT | Expansion

    HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training
    "We are in expansion! When you expand you understand that you are your own master, you let go of illusions of things out there saving you.
    Expand be whole, I am rich in inner beauty, rich in love, rich in gratitude, rich in my body. When you expand you bring...

  • Strength | Fun-ctional Body Blaster

    Equipment: 1 weight: a backpack with books inside works perfectly ;)


    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge:

  • Mobility & Breath | Assertiveness + Personal Power

    The only thing that matters in life is the opinion you hold about yourself. My vision of freedom is to be myself.
    Be realistic and plan for a miracle. This can only be achieved when you move out of your mind and open your heart.
    Beauty begins when you strop trying to becoming and just be. Be you...

  • Strength | Express Power-Up

    Full Body Remix Strength & Power Intervals. Creating Clarity for commitment. Commit to a small personal goal no matter how small the task.

    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge:

    Playlist :

  • Strength | Time under Tension

    Full Bodyweight Strength Time under Tension.
    40 sec of time under tension for each movement.
    10 sec hold, 10 sec slow, 10 sec hold,10 sec full range of motion.


    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body St...

  • Strength | Benchmark 2.0

    Equipment: box or chair

    ~ This class is part of the 6 Weeks of Self-Mastery Program: ~


  • Strength | Move it! Hold it!

    Move with passion. Being intentional about your training requires a mindset shift from passive to active! Build self confidence that you can do the hard things with isometric holds.

    ~ This class is part of the 6 Weeks of Self-Mastery Program: ~...

  • Strength | Ex-Press!

    Aim for consistency! The accumulated, small but consistent actions lead to results. It
    transforms average into excellence.

    ~ This class is part of the 6 Weeks of Self-Mastery Program: ~


  • Strength | Fit & Fun

    Equipment: a bag filled with light weights (books, cans...)

    ~ This class is part of the 6 Weeks of Self-Mastery Program : ~


  • Strength | Power Glower

    Focus on mastering your own body weight and aim for control. Find a progression that allows
    you go through a full range of motion which results in better muscle balance and overall quality
    of movement.

    Equipment -optional-: Added weights in hands (dumbbells, books, cans, water bottles)

    ~ This c...