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Pregnancy & Post-Partum

Pregnancy & Post-Partum

✨ For our specifically curated MAMA PROGRAM this way >>
Becoming a mother changes everything, your relationship to yourself, your identity, your community and the world around you. A lot of it goes unspoken, and many of us are left with huge questions that go unanswered; why do I feel crazy? What exercises can I do without harming my baby or myself? How do I start to recover post-birth? Here we seek to support you with content to help you feel supported, seen and guided through the wild ride of motherhood; through movement classes, podcasts and recovery classes. Go at your own pace.

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Pregnancy & Post-Partum
  • Connect to Baby Flow

    A supportive and nourishing practice for the later part of your pregnancy. Connect to your body and to your growing baby!

  • New Paradigm for Motherhood with Rebecca Freeman

    Have you ever had the thought “I can’t because I am a mother” or “I need to wait until the children are older”?

    Meet Rebecca Freeman. Rebecca is the vision keeper for a New Paradigm for Motherhood. She activates women to create a New Paradigm for Motherhood that is based on a strong foundation o...

  • Legs & booty workout

    A short and (not-so) sweet workout that will strengthen your legs, glutes, core muscles and pelvic floor. Staying active not only make your pregnancy a lot more comfortable but also speeds up your postpartum recovery. Safe for all trimesters.

  • Form | Move in Alignment

    Our focus is maintaining consciousness of what muscles are meant to be activated and allowing those not involved to be at rest. This concentration on the details of the body's flow allows us to prevent injury and build strength and confidence in whatever motion we choose!

    Equipment (optional): ...

  • Form | Changing Shape

    We will challenge the body to hold form and create deep core awareness through new shapes.

    Equipment (optional): Light weights (under 1.5kg) or canned food, water bottles, you name it, can also be used.

    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge: https://watch.thesalty...

  • Form | Soul Sweat

    We will focus on core strengthening and muscle activation through a series of low impact, high intensity moves. Perfect for all bodies and extra good for bodies after babies :)

    Equipment (optional): Light weights (under 1.5kg) or canned food, water bottles, etc., Resistance band.

    Playlist: htt...

  • Upper body HIIT

    Level up your mood with this upper body workout. Strengthening your arms, shoulders and back helps keeping a good posture and minimizing back pain. Safe for all trimesters.
    Equipment: chair (or little bench) + 2 light weights (2-3 lbs)

  • Postpartum Recovery and Nervous System Support

    This 40 min postpartum flow practice is a combination of pelvic floor exercises, breath with movement and stretching. This class will end with kalabati breath, which strengthens the pelvic floor while supporting your nervous system.

  • Form | Fine Toning

    We will focus on core strengthening and muscle activation through a series of low impact, high intensity moves. Perfect for all bodies and extra good for bodies after babies :)

    Equipment (optional): Light weights (under 1.5kg) or canned food, water bottles, etc., Resistance band.

    Playlist: htt...

  • Form | Mind & Muscle Connection

    This class is part of the 21-day "Strong Body Strong Mind" challenge:

    Let's relearn how to move the body through proper posture and alignment with conscious movements focussing on core stability.

    Equipment (optional): a Pilates ball (a pillow or rol...

  • Form | Burn & Tone

    The focus of this class is to create a powerful mind to muscle connection in order to build strength from the deepest layers out. This low-impact, high-intensity movement flow is designed to improve posture, alignment and core stability through graceful, yet bold moves.

    Equipment: this class is...

  • Bed Time Sound Bath ✨

    All day you carry around your body, thoughts and emotions. Use this meditation as a rocking lullaby before bed being swayed by the Tibetan bowl sounds. Wind down, you might fall asleep :).

  • PILATES for surfers 01

    A gentle, yet powerful movement series dedicated to improving your surf performance out of the water. This 30-minute practice focuses on establishing a mind-to-muscle connection with the deepest layers of your core. A strong and stable core is the foundation for proper paddling posture, muscle ac...

  • PILATES for surfers 02

    A gentle, yet powerful movement series dedicated to improving your surf performance out of the water. Today, we're all about the thoracic spine! A big pain point amongst surfers is the lower back. This discomfort is usually caused by stiffness and immobility in other parts of the body, specifical...

  • PILATES for surfers 3

    A gentle, yet powerful movement series dedicated to improving your surf performance out of the water. Today's session focuses on anaerobic conditioning and core stability to build paddle strength when it's time to GO! Grab a Pilates ball, if you have one! A small pillow or rolled up towel will al...

  • Form | Slow burn

    The focus of this class is to create a powerful mind to muscle connection in order to build strength from the deepest layers out. This low-impact, high-intensity movement flow is designed to improve posture, alignment and core stability through graceful, yet bold moves.

    ~ This class is part of ...

  • Mountains and Mom Life w/ Kate Ediger

    Kate is a mountain mama to her son Timber, she’s a leader in her community as the founder of Pit+Peak, an avalanche skills training company out of Revelstoke, BC. She’s also a Burton Snowboard ambassador and an advocate for the planet as a member of POW: Protect Our Winters. Surfer, skater, fly-f...

  • Interview: Can I Surf When I'm Pregnant? With MC and Caitlin

    Just a few notes before we get started. This is MC, my cofounder, and I, Caitlin, talking about our own personal experiences with surfing. It was recorded a while back while MC was still pregnant We consulted our own birth care providers, we tuned into our own bodies, we weighed up the risk for o...

  • Choosing Your Birth Care With Diana Freiwald

    I this podcast Caitlin and Midwife Diana discuss some things to consider in the process of choosing your birth care.

    - Red flags to look out for
    - How to make empowered choices for yourself and your baby

  • Prenatal Anxiety and Early Pregnancy with Marie-Christine Amyot

    In this raw, real and honest interview Salty Club Co-Founders Marie-Christine (MC) and Caitlin talk about MC's experience with prenatal anxiety and what the experience of finding out she was pregnant was like (hint; it's not always like the movies.)

    This was recorded in the earlier months of MC'...

  • Interview: Balancing Creativity, Career and Motherhood with Samantha Hunt

    Meet Samantha Hunt. Samantha was born in Zambia and traveled the world with her family from an early age. To date she has lived in fourteen different countries, so when people ask where she calls home, she is not sure how to answer this question. She guesses she is a Cali girl at heart and dreams...

  • Identity Shifts and Emotional Challenges with Diana Freiwald

    Have you ever, throughout your motherhood journey, wether it be pregnancy, postpartum or just general motherhood, wondered if you're going crazy? Emotions are up and down, things that might not have bothered you before suddenly REALLY get to you, and some days you might not even recognize yoursel...