MAMA PROGRAM: Journey into Motherhood

MAMA PROGRAM: Journey into Motherhood

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It is said that women in labour leave their bodies... they travel to the stars to collect the souls of their babies, and return to this world together.'

The journey of motherhood will rock your world forever. And that is why it is so important to feel supported as you move through it.

Welcome to Salty Mama, Journey to Motherhood.

Content, information and conversations we, the mamas in the Salty Club, couldn’t find ourselves, but desperately needed as we navigated the challenges and shifts of new motherhood.  Our intention with this program is to provide a 360 degree approach: to support your body, mind and soul throughout your whole pregnancy, and the several months following the birth of your baby.

In this package you will find;

- A 220 page ebook that will invite you to explore the spiritual and emotional underworld of your journey, complete with personal stories, information and journaling exercises.
- 3 meditations, ranging from total relaxation to energy healing
- 2 breath work sessions, for everything from clarity to relaxation
- 10 yoga classes that will take you from connecting with your baby all the way up to postpartum recovery and nervous system support
- 7 prenatal and postpartum workouts
- 7 interviews, ranging from choosing your birth care, all the way up to the identity shifts and emotional challenges of having children
- 3 informational videos, focusing on 1, diastasis recti, taking care of your pelvic floor, and postpartum care
- A booklet full of pregnancy friendly recipes
- And an informational booklet on what to pack in your birth bag

It is our hope this package will help you refine your truth; as you nurture yourself, as you equip yourself with information, as you empower yourself through the stories of other mamas; How can you write your own rules about what it means to be a woman and mother?

This isn’t a rule book, it's an invitation to do motherhood on your terms. 

You are magic, mama.

MAMA PROGRAM: Journey into Motherhood
  • [Preview] EBOOK

    This is a quick overview of the 200-page EBOOK included in this package.
    Scroll down to find the full downloadable PDF version.

  • EBOOK: Your Empowered Journey to Motherhood

    112 MB

  • Full body energizing flow

    Re-energize your mind, body and soul with this full body flow workout. A great training practice recommended for the first and second trimester.

  • Lower body HIIT

    A strong lower body will help you support the extra weight you're carrying as well as prevent the lower back pain and swelling of the feet which are quite common during pregnancy.

  • Mama Booty workout

    Having strong glutes definitely makes your pregnancy a lot more comfortable by helping to support the weight of your growing belly and minimizing back pain. So get ready to firing that booty!

  • Strong mama arms & core circuit

    Get ready to carry baby (and all the baby things!) with this workout focussing on strengthening your arms, shoulders, back and core. Safe for all trimesters.

  • Legs & booty workout

    A short and (not-so) sweet workout that will strengthen your legs, glutes, core muscles and pelvic floor. Staying active not only make your pregnancy a lot more comfortable but also speeds up your postpartum recovery. Safe for all trimesters.

  • Full Body Sweat

    Get your sweat on with this full body workout! This training can be done during the first and second trimester.

  • Upper body HIIT

    Level up your mood with this upper body workout. Strengthening your arms, shoulders and back helps keeping a good posture and minimizing back pain. Safe for all trimesters.
    Equipment: chair (or little bench) + 2 light weights (2-3 lbs)

  • Sound bath for total Relaxation

    Singing bowls help the mind and body find a state of meditation through the vibrations they give off so lie back and let these alchemy bowls take you into a deep state of meditation.

  • Sound bath for Energy Healing

    Get comfortable and lie back and let these alchemy singing bowls take you into a deep state of meditation and relaxation.

  • Yoga Nidra

    Lie down, get really comfortable and move through the practice of yoga nidra. Cultivate levels of well being and come into pure awareness. A relaxing and uplifting meditative practice that will support you throughout all trimesters.

  • Breathwork for Clarity and Relaxation

    A breathwork practice to support you in deep presence. Go from your thinking mind and drop into your heart and body to find true clarity.

  • Wim Hof breathwork

    This practice is powerful for regulating your nervous system. It can bring you back into the present moment and shift your energy instantly. We will end with a short meditation as this practice opens you up for deep meditation.

  • Prenatal Slow Flow

    A slow yoga flow combined with breath awareness to drop into your body with some deep stretches and mindful movements. This practice is great for the first trimester but can be done safely throughout the whole pregnancy.

  • Prenatal Hatha Class

    A hatha style yoga flow inviting you to connect deeply with your body as you move through pregnancy. Pregnancy comes with it many changes so this class is about making space to honour your body no matter how you are feeling during this stage of your pregnancy. This class is tailored for the first...

  • Prenatal Restorative Yoga Class

    A 30 min yoga practice with breath awareness, flow and relaxation. This class is intended for the second trimester but is safe for all trimesters.

  • Prenatal Gentle Flow

    This 45 minute gentle flow will have you feeling supported and relaxed. This class is a combination of stretching, deep belly breathing and closes with a meditation that will leave you in a supported state of relaxation. It's a great practice for all trimesters.

  • Connect to Baby Flow

    A supportive and nourishing practice for the later part of your pregnancy. Connect to your body and to your growing baby!

  • Embodied and present prenatal flow

    Feel embodied as you move through this flow, connecting to your breath and to the present moment. It's a great practice for the last stretch of your pregnancy.

  • Preparation for labour and birth

    Prepare for your labour and birth with this combined practice of grounding meditation, deep breathing and toning, some strength building and stretching.

  • Early Postpartum Recovery Exercises

    Enjoy this 30 min practice that is a combination of pelvic floor exercises, gentle core engagement, stretching and meditation.

  • Postpartum Recovery and Nervous System Support

    This 40 min postpartum flow practice is a combination of pelvic floor exercises, breath with movement and stretching. This class will end with kalabati breath, which strengthens the pelvic floor while supporting your nervous system.

  • Postpartum Movement and Breath

    Connect to your body as you move through your postpartum healing journey with breath awareness, pelvic floor awareness, and movement exercises.

  • Empowered Motherhood with Rebecca Freeman

    When Rebecca Freeman had her first baby, she was surprised to find she had suddenly become in a way, 'Tom's mum.'

    Have you ever had the thought "I can't because I am a mother" or "I need to wait until the children are older"?

    In this Masterclass Rebecca explores such ideas as:

    What if becomin...

  • Choosing Your Birth Care With Diana Freiwald

    I this podcast Caitlin and Midwife Diana discuss some things to consider in the process of choosing your birth care.

    - Red flags to look out for
    - How to make empowered choices for yourself and your baby

  • New Paradigm for Motherhood with Rebecca Freeman

    Have you ever had the thought “I can’t because I am a mother” or “I need to wait until the children are older”?

    Meet Rebecca Freeman. Rebecca is the vision keeper for a New Paradigm for Motherhood. She activates women to create a New Paradigm for Motherhood that is based on a strong foundation o...

  • Pregnancy Nutrition and Exercise with Diana Freiwald

    Do I have to stop eating that? What kind of exercise can I do? CAN I SURF?

    Midwife Diana Freiwald goes over all the common questions regarding health and exercise from a Salty Mama like yourself.

  • Prenatal Anxiety and Early Pregnancy with Marie-Christine Amyot

    In this raw, real and honest interview Salty Club Co-Founders Marie-Christine (MC) and Caitlin talk about MC's experience with prenatal anxiety and what the experience of finding out she was pregnant was like (hint; it's not always like the movies.)

    This was recorded in the earlier months of MC'...

  • Moving From Maiden to Mother and Body Image with Chanel Mulcahy

    In this interview Caitlin and Chanel Mulcahy go into the unsaid and often taboo aspects of motherhood; the grief of moving from maiden to mother, the often contradictory nature of emotions around motherhood, and body image. They also cover;

    - How our culture and society doesn’t prepare us for th...

  • Identity Shifts and Emotional Challenges with Diana Freiwald

    Have you ever, throughout your motherhood journey, wether it be pregnancy, postpartum or just general motherhood, wondered if you're going crazy? Emotions are up and down, things that might not have bothered you before suddenly REALLY get to you, and some days you might not even recognize yoursel...

  • All About the Pelvic Floor

    In this video Diana and Caitlin discuss the pelvic floor

    They talk about;
    The physiology of the pelvic floor
    Why pelvic floor strength is important
    Exercises you can do to strengthen the pelvic floor
    Why it is important for your partner and children to do pelvic floor exercises too

    ** Find ful...

  • All About Diastasis Recti

    In this video Diana and Caitlin discuss Diastasis Recti

    They discuss

    What it is (and how to say it!)
    Who it affects
    If it is dangerous
    What do do about it
    Exercises to do to heal diastasis recti
    A self examination you can to to check your own diastasis

    Find transcript below **

    In this video ...

  • The Postpartum Period

    In this video Caitlin and Diana discuss postpartum. They cover;

    Immediate postpartum; what to do about bleeding in the days after
    Healing any perineal tears
    Tips to make that first dreaded poop easier
    Exercise once appropriate to do so
    Sleep, both yours and the baby and managing expec...

  • Nutritious Recipes for Pregnancy and Postpartum

    8.26 MB

  • Your Birth Bag: What to Pack

    2.63 MB